Timeline of Select Projects | Index of Projects
Title | Year(s) | Field | Description |
A Thousand Years of Church Architecture | Architecture, Europe | Simple Flash animation of generic floorplans showing the evolution of European religious architecture |
Alhambra | Architecture, Europe | Flash-based monograph containing panoramas, images, videos, and diagrams of various rooms of the Alhambra complex in Granada, Spain |
Amiens Animated Glossary | Architecture, Europe | Interactive floorplan and elevation diagrams that allow students to learn and test themselves on Gothic architectural terms |
Amiens Cathedral Interactive Glossary | 1996 - 1997 | Architecture, Europe | Monograph on Amiens Cathedral featuring photographs, drawings and plans, 3D renderings, and texts. |
Ancient and Early Christian Sites of Rome | 2012 - 2013 | Architecture, Europe | Media Center staff and interns accompanied the Spring 2012 Undergraduate Travel Seminar to Rome to document monuments of Ancient Roman and Early Christian architecture. |
Archaeobase | Architecture, Europe | Unfinished archaeological database containing data from Professor Clemente Marconi's Ancient Selinus excavation |
ArchMap | Architecture, Asia, Europe | This architecture mapping database was the predecessor to Art Atlas |
Art and Architecture in Puglia: SIIA Research Trip | 2020 - 2020 | Architecture, Painting, Europe | In coordination with Prof. Michael Cole's Spanish Italy & the Iberian Americas project, the Media Center was able to join the research group on a trip to the Puglia region of southern Italy. |
Art Humanities Teaching Resources | Architecture, Painting, Sculpture, Europe, North America | This companion site to Art Humanities serves as a repository for instructor resources and briefings. |
Bauhaus and German Modernism: Travel Seminar | 2019 - 2019 | Architecture, Europe | Lead by Prof. Barry Bergdoll, the Fall 2019 Travel Seminar gave the Media Center the opportunity to document significant Bauhaus sites during the centennial. |
Breugel: The Netherlandish Proverbs | Painting, Europe | Annotated details of Breugel's painting |
Bruegel, Pieter, "Battle between Carnival and Lent" | Painting, Europe | Image of the painting and details |
Bruegel, Pieter, "Children's Games" | Painting, Europe | Image of the painting and details |
Bruegel, Pieter, "Tower of Babel" | Painting, Europe | Image of the painting and details |
Computational Tools for Modeling, Visualizing and Analyzing Historic and Archaeological Sites | 2002 - 2004 | Architecture, Africa, Europe, North America | This project aimed "to create new computational tools" for for studying historic structures and archaeological sites, then to compile the data into a database and educational website. Featured locations include Amheida, Egypt; Monte Polizzo, Italy; Thulamela, South Africa; Beauvais Cathedral, France; and St. John the Divine, New York City. |
Conques, The Church of St. Foy, Animated Glossary | 1999 - 2000 | Architecture, Europe | Timed Flash animation of architectural terminology |
Designing Saint Peter's | 2003 - 2004 | Architecture, Europe | Animation showing successive iterations of Saint Peter's Basilica in Rome through comparison of groundplans |
Durham Cathedral and Old St. Peter's Basilica: A Comparison of the Ground Plans | 1999 - 2000 | Architecture, Europe | Overlaid floorplans comparing the architecture of Durham Cathedral and the old St. Peter's Basilica in Rome |
Durham Cathedral Interactive Ground Plan | Architecture, Europe | Black-and-white photographs of Durham Cathedral plotted in a building floorplan |
Goya: Disasters of War | Prints, Europe | Scans of thirteen of Goya's Disasters of War prints with captions, organized as a slideshow |
History of Architecture - Real Virtual, Representing Architectural Time and Space | 1998 - 2005 | Architecture, Africa, Asia, Europe, North America | This History of Architecture Web site is designed to support undergraduate education by focusing on interactive panoramas as a method of expanding the options for classroom presentations of architectural subjects. |
Istanbul Documentation Project (1) | Architecture, Europe | This was the first iteration of the Istanbul Documentation Project. |
Istanbul Documentation Project (2) | Architecture, Europe | The Istanbul Documentation Project aims to create a digital platform for the virtual presentation of Istanbul's Roman, Byzantine, Ottoman and early Republican sites and monuments and thus provides a rich resource for scholars, students, and the general public. |
La Villa Savoye: The Five Points of New Architecture | 2005 - 2006 | Architecture, Europe | This website demonstrates how Le Corbusier's Five Points of New Architecture are deployed in his Villa Savoye, and primarily features panoramas plotted on floorplans. |
Mapping Architecture in Medieval and Renaissance Naples | Architecture, Urban Planning, Europe | An unfinished website on the growth of Naples from the Classical Era to the Renaissance, with historical maps and paintings and a brief history of the city. |
Mapping Gothic France | 2008 - 2012 | Architecture, Europe | This comprehensive database of Gothic monuments in France contains more than twenty thousand original photographs and panoramas, accompanied by contextual materials, including historical texts, timelines, and interactive maps. |
Mapping the Art and Architecture of Renaissance Venice | 2002 - 2005 | Architecture, Europe | This digital learning environment offers students the opportunity to engage the art and architecture of Renaissance Venice, seen through the famous view of the city by Jacopo de'Barbari, a monumental woodblock print dated 1500. |
Medieval Architecture Digital Teaching Project | 2000 - 2001 | Architecture, Europe | Collection of academic texts, primary and secondary sources, historical images, floorplans, and panoramas on a variety of Medieval Architectural styles. |
Medieval Millennium | 1999 - 2000 | Architecture, Sculpture, Europe | Early course monograph created for a class and Metropolitan Museum exhibit of the same name. |
Monet's Rouen Cathedral | Painting, Europe | Scans of 26 of Monet's Rouen Cathedral paintings, viewable in color or monochrome. The site also has a sun wheel feature that organizes ten of the paintings by approximate time of day they were made. |
Paris, Notre-Dame Cathedral Animated Ground Plan | Architecture, Europe | Flash animations of floorplan and elevation. |
Paris, Notre-Dame Cathedral Interactive Elevation Diagrams | Architecture, Europe | Floorplan with plotted, rollover elevation diagrams. |
Paris, Notre-Dame Cathedral Interactive Ground Plan | Architecture, Europe | Black-and-white historical images of Notre-Dame plotted on a building floorplan |
Parthenon Frieze | 2001 - 2002 | Sculpture, Europe | Annotated floorplans and images of the Parthenon frieze, organized by facade. |
Raphael's Fresco of the Disputa of the Vatican's Stanza della Segnatura | 2000 - 2001 | Painting, Europe | Video of late Professor David Rosand describing Raphael's fresco with computer-animated illustrations. |
Raphael's Fresco of the School of Athens | 2000 - 2001 | Painting, Europe | Video of late Professor David Rosand describing Raphael's fresco with computer-animated illustrations. |
Raphael, The Stanza della Segnatura | 1998 - 2000 | Painting, Europe | This website devoted to the Stanza della Segnatura in contains images, details, descriptions, and explanations of the iconography and techniques for each of Raphael's frescoes. |
Restoring Byzantium | 2004 - 2005 | Architecture, Europe | Focusing on the late-1940s restoration of the Kariye Camii, a Byzantine-era church in Istanbul, the website contains current photographs, historical phographs, panoramas, 3D models and animations, floorplans, academic texts, a glossary, a bibliography, and useful links. |
Roman and Early Christian Germany: CAM Graduate Tour | 2018 - 2018 | Ancient Roman, Europe | The Media Center was able to join the Center for the Ancient Mediterranean Annual Graduate Tour and document sites of Roman and Early Christian Germany lead by Prof. Holger A. Klein and Prof. Francesco de Angelis. |
Romanesque Churches of the Bourbonnais | 2003 - 2007 | Architecture, Europe | This web resource presents unique research, chronicling the documentation of over thirty Romanesque structures through comprehensive digital photography and three-dimensional panoramas. |
Selinus Arcopolis Project | 2006 - 2007 | Architecture, Europe | Website documenting the 2006-07 excavation of the acropolis at the Ancient Greek colony of Selinus in modern-day Sicily, with very detailed aerial map of the site. |
The Byzantine Church of Hagia Sophia at Vize in Turkish Thrace | 2003 - 2004 | Architecture, Europe | Website documenting the excavation and restoration of Hagia Sophia, Vize, through texts, images, and floorplans. |
Treasures of Heaven: Saints, Relics, and Devotion in Medieval Europe | 2010 - 2011 | Decorative Arts, Europe | The Media Center produced the digital monograph for the 2010-11 exhibition Treasures of Heaven: Saints, Relics, and Devotion in Medieval Europe, co-organized by the Cleveland Museum of Art, the Walters Art Museum, and the British Museum. |
Unpacking Les Demoiselles d'Avignon - Pablo Picasso | 2004 - 2005 | Painting, Europe | This site contains information on Picasso's seminal work Les Demoiselles d'Avignon, including essays, prepatory drawings, and biographical information on the artist. All images can be compared against the final painting in the image viewer. |
Venice, A Database | 2007 - 2008 | Architecture, Europe | In 2007, ARTstor sponsored a Media Center photography campaign in Venice, Italy, which produced over 340 panoramas of a range of historically significant sites from various eras in the city's history. |
Villa Savoye 3D Didactic Tool | 2024 - 2024 | Architecture, Europe | The Media Center has crafted a highly detailed, born-digital 3D model of the Villa Savoye which serves as a platform for several modes of exploration. The building can be viewed as an illustration of Le Corbusier’s Five Points of Architecture with animations to demonstrate each element in context, making the digital tool an expression of those principles. Predefined itineraries move the viewer through the rooms of the Villa to replicate the flow of space experienced in-person. Additionally, the Villa can be rendered at various periods in its history to examine the differing paint colors over the span of its use and restorations. |
What is a Sign? An Introduction to Saussure | 2007 - 2008 | Visual Theory, Europe | A series of slides explaining Saussure's theories of semiotics as they relate to Modern Art, with illustrations. |